Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Windows is an important part of the majority of PC's around the world. Over the years, the Windows operating system to be more than just the backbone of the PC, a Windows key entities that help users to maximize the potential of each.

Every time Microsoft releases the latest edition of Windows, it can be this will bring keingintahuan from the public about the features, completeness, and that the new operating system from it. This is a phenomenon which is very reasonable, considering the Windows operating system is part of daily life billions of people worldwide. Experience of each individual is different in each carnya. Windows 7 at this time have entered the Beta stage, which means that already be the latest operating system this will no longer be present. Windows 7 is designed based on the trends that developed and designed in order to remain responsive in the PC with the minimum specifications, in the efficient use of energy, and remain safe for use. The discussion about Windows 7 is certainly something that is very interesting and so far, Microsoft's developer in Redmond still adding features, which is entered from the previous edition of Windows users, in order to achieve maximum user satisfaction. In some future edition, the author will comprehensively discuss the latest features in Windows 7, but would that moment when we see the history of Windows. Starting in 1985 when the era in which Microsoft released Windows run over 1:01 that MS-DOS.

Five years later to attend the Windows 3.0 that have been started using a window-based navigation system and maximize the use of mouse (mouse). The advantages of this version is a previous version of Program Manager (the collection of programs, documents, and settings), the ability to minimize me-desktop, the program window and can overlap one another. Program Manager in Windows 3.0 is now blossom into Windows Explorer.

In 1995, Microsoft launched the operating system from Windows 3.0. However, this edition of Windows does not give the name of Windows 4.0, but Windows 95. Some of the latest development and features, among others, is the Taskbar, Start Menu, Caption Controls, Quick Launch, and the Active Desktop. Three years later released Windows 98 which is the development of Windows 95 with the addition of various features.

Microsoft launched Windows XP in 2001. Some significant changes from the UI is a taskbar grouping, a new design themes, start menu, and ballon tips. Windows XP is an operating system that is legendary and has its own fan to this day.

Five years later, Microsoft officially announced that the development process of Windows Vista have reached the final stage. Windows Vista was born with a variety of features that mengelaborasikan input from the user enterprise and personal users. Development of the security features of the PC, the new design, features entertainment, to a new design of TCP / IP provides implications on the needs of the hardware that should be sufficient.

However, at the time of attendance at the time Windows Vista is still not offset the presence of the hardware is able to accommodate the needs of the operating system. Consequently many users can not utilize all the features of Windows Vista optimally.

On 28 October 2008, Microsoft showed for the first time to the public Windows 7 version PreBeta (build 6801) in the 2008 Professional Developers Conference in Los Angeles, California.

PDC is multitahunan event held by Microsoft since the 1991 specifically for developers and software architects. This conference was organized to help software developers understand more about the technology in the future of Microsoft.

In 1975 Bill Gates and Paul Allen designed the Altair Basic, which then become a foundation for the first Microsoft operating system. Visual Studio and. NET Framework is the foundation for the development of Windows applications at this time, including Windows Vista and future Windows 7. At PDC 2008 also announced plans attendance Visual Studio 2010 and. NET Framework 4.0 as a foundation for developing the future of Windows application.

In the opportunity also announced that Windows 7 will be the official name. Initially Windows 7 is the code name (code name). Meanwhile, as we know that with the code name of Windows Vista is Longhorn. This is quite rare where the code name (the name at the time of the development process), the same as the final name. During the last few years, the next generation of Windows has a different name, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows XP, and Windows Vista. Simply because this is the seventh generation of Windows "Windows 7" be a reasonable reason.

Occurrence of the Windows 7 version of this PreBeta provide a sense it's a very large be public. Expectations of the user's operating system of Windows Vista continue to appear. The most basic expectations of each individual dibenak of the operating system that is responsive, safe, reliable, and able to become a good foundation for applications and digital devices.

Finally, on 7 January 2009, Chief Executive Office Microsoft, Steve Ballmer announced the official presence of the Beta version of Windows 7 (build 7000) in the CES (Consumer Electronic Show) in Las Vegas. At that time, Windows 7 Beta can be downloaded officially diwebsite Microsoft. For colleagues who want to download from the Windows 7 IIX network can directly navigate to Windows 7 Beta version can be used up to 1 August 2009 if the user registration and activation to

Beginning of the month, Mike Ybarra, General Manager of Windows plan announced attendance SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) from the Windows 7 into the two main editions of the Windows 7 Home Premium and Windows 7 Professional for business. Windows 7 Ultimate akan still have planned to provide options for users who need an operating system package is complete. At the same time

At the same time, Brad Brooks, Corporate Vice President for Microsoft Windows Consumer Product Marketing announced that Windows 7 development to focus on the use of mobile devices such as mini-notebook. Windows 7 to be developed in order to remain responsive in the computer processor and memory with minimal specifications, in the use of energy efficient, safe to use in a variety of Internet network, and able to utilize the latest technologies in hardware maximum.

This is because the market demand is high enough for the mini-notebook or a regular call us with the netbook. IDC released a data that netbook sales in 2008 reached 11.4 million and will rise to the predicted 42.2 million in the year 2012.

Windows users basically want the operating system that can help tasks every day to be more quick and easy to use, and provide new options in how to interact with the computer. Windows 7 is built on the Windows user entered from around the world, able to use resources as efficiently as possible, and have the capability to run on hardware with minimal specifications with not compromising performance.

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